the circle


Award-Winning Wines

Enjoy award winning wines from our signature collection.


Complimentary Experiences

Complimentary experiences for you and your guests.


Member Only Events

Enjoy Wine-Club only events throughout the year.


No-charge Shipping

Enjoy complimentary shipping on all wine club shipments.


Concierge Service

Enjoy priority reservations for all winery events and experiences.


More Member Benefits

Unlock with your Club Membership.

Sharing our favourite wines from our vineyard delivered to your door. Wine club members receive wine shipped every season, members-only privileges, and access to exclusive events.

Only available for AB and BC residents.

The Circle

- 3 Bottles, 4 times a year.

- Complimentary experiences for you and 3 guests.

- All Member Benefits.

- Shipping included for all wine club shipments.

The Golden Circle

- 6 Bottles, 4 times a year.

- Limited spots available.

- Complimentary experiences for you and 5 guests

- All Member Benefits

- Award-Winning Icewine included in each shipment.

- Concierge Service: Priority Reservations for all winery events and experiences.

- Shipping included for all wine club shipments.